Students Successfully Create Spiderman Gadgets

 'Spiderboy' in action at the school wall

VIVAnews - crush on Spiderman comic book character turned out to make a junior high school age children managed to make a gadget to crawl on the walls, like a spider.

Kono Hibiki, a boy 13 years old, who was a student at King's College School in Cambridge, England. Since childhood she dreamed to be able to act like his idol character Spiderman. Now Kono succeeded in realizing his desire that with the help of an instrument which he designs himself.

This smart kid makes the tool armed with two machine vacuum cleaner Tesco Value 1.4 kW electrical power, which is on the market just sold for USD 23.

Machine working vacuum sucking the air in the region bearing a hook that will sustain the body Kono climb walls.

The tool designs for five months for taking a technology subjects at school. According to the teacher's lessons, Angus Gent, she initially hesitated when Kono expressed his intention to make this gadget a wall climber.

However, Kono finally managed to prove it. "He designed it all alone. This is very impressive for a kid his age. I am very proud of him," said Ghent, The Sun quoted from the site.

With these tools, Kono to climb the walls in sekolahannya and got a new nickname: 'Spider-Boy'. "When I was little I liked to wear Spiderman, and like all his films. Now I am glad to be climbing the walls like Spiderman," Kono said.

Although allowed to crawl the walls of his school, Kono requested not to climb too high. In fact, by his parents even Kono was banned for testing the equipment to climb the walls of his house.

"My mom says this is a brilliant idea. But she forbade me from using this tool in my room. My mother worried that I will make the house so the ceiling collapsed."

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