Kamen Rider The Next is a 2007 Japanese tokusatsu film directed by Ryuta Tasaki and written by Toshiki Inoue. The film was released on October 27, 2007. The film borrows elements from the Kamen Rider V3 television series and is a sequel to the Kamen Rider The First movie (which was a film adaptation of the original Kamen Rider series). Actor Kazuki Kato, who had previously portrayed Daisuke Kazama/Kamen Rider Drake in Kamen Rider Kabuto, portrayed Shiro Kazami/Kamen Rider V3. Both Masaya Kikawada and Hassei Takano reprise their roles as Takeshi Hongo/Kamen Rider 1 and Hayato Ichimonji/Kamen Rider 2, respectively. It was given a PG-12 rating for its brief nudity and violence.
Download Kamen Rider The Next: [Indowebster]
Download Kamen Rider The Next Songs:
Theme song:
"Chosen Soldier"
Lyrics & Artist: ISSA
Composition: Daisuke Imai
Insert song:
"Platinum Smile"
Lyrics & Artist: Riyu Kosaka
Composition: LOVE+HATE